Rouge Valley Mitsubishi

Driving Forward: The Evolution of Mitsubishi's Electric and Hybrid Cars


Mitsubishi, the Japanese auto manufacturer, has been at the forefront of the electric vehicle (EV) revolution for years. While brands like Tesla often dominate headlines, Mitsubishi has been advancing the cause of electric and hybrid vehicles. In fact, Mitsubishi's electric vehicle history is rich and full of significant milestones that have shaped the industry. From pioneering the first highway-ready EV to promoting EV adoption worldwide, Mitsubishi's contribution to sustainable transportation is remarkable. Check out the surprising evolution of Mitsubishi's electric and hybrid cars and discover the groundbreaking technologies they’ve introduced.

Evolution of Mitsubishi's Electric and Hybrid Cars

Mitsubishi's journey in the realm of electric and hybrid vehicles began with a significant breakthrough – the creation of the first highway-ready EV for wide-scale use. In 2009, Mitsubishi introduced the i-MiEV, a five-door compact hatchback that revolutionized the EV market. Before the i-MiEV, EVs faced limitations in terms of range and charging speed, making them impractical for highway driving. However, Mitsubishi's i-MiEV showcased the potential of electric powertrains for long-distance travel. The i-MiEV was the first mass-produced EV capable of highway driving and the vehicle that popularized the use of advanced lithium-ion batteries in the EV space.

Another groundbreaking technology introduced by Mitsubishi was the CHAdeMO (CHArge de MOve) fast charging system. While most people are familiar with Tesla's Supercharger network, it is essential to recognize that Mitsubishi was the first to offer a vehicle with a DC fast charging system. The CHAdeMO standard allowed for swift communication between the vehicle and the charger, significantly reducing charging times and increasing convenience for EV owners.

EV Adoption

Mitsubishi's commitment to promoting EV adoption extends beyond technological advancements. The company has actively collaborated with global entities and government organizations to establish EV systems worldwide. In Canada, Mitsubishi partnered with Hydro-Quebec in 2010 to run pilot projects aimed at understanding the challenges and requirements of integrating EVs into the region. This collaboration led to the development of strategies for installing public charging stations and simplifying the installation of private chargers.

The company's dedication to sustainable initiatives extended to its infrastructure. In 2011, Mitsubishi unveiled a solar-powered charging station at its North American corporate headquarters in California. This innovative station, equipped with Level 1, Level 2, and CHAdeMO chargers, demonstrated the ease of implementing EV systems and showcased the versatility of solar power as a renewable energy source.

Reserve Yours Today

Mitsubishi's electric and hybrid vehicle journey has been truly inspiring. The company's commitment to innovation and sustainability has propelled it to the forefront of the EV industry. As Mitsubishi sets ambitious goals for an electrified future, it is evident that the company's legacy is far from over. With plans to launch new EV models and transition to a fully electrified lineup, Mitsubishi continues to push boundaries and shape the future of sustainable transportation. Contact Rouge Valley Mitsubishi in Scarborough to learn more and reserve yours today.